On Friday, August 23, I performed a public service, which was to drive a mobile billboard (pictured below) around Tuscaloosa for the purpose of informing the public that Dr. Patricia Antero (Tuscany Podiatry) is a quack. While I was driving the mobile billboard, Dr. Antero’s daughter followed me into the parking lot of the MMA gym where I used to train (before Dr. Antero’s quackery took boxing and wrestling away from me), and made a big scene. After following me into a parking lot, and not leaving me alone, Dr. Antero’s daughter had the audacity to call the police on me. Of course, the police officer didn’t arrest me, as I did nothing wrong. The drama didn’t end there though.
While I was still in the parking lot, the police came to talk to me again — this time, apparently, at the behest of Dr. Antero. Again, the police did not arrest me, because I did absolutely nothing wrong. After that (again, while I was still in the parking lot), some man accosted me. While the man who accosted me was somewhat aggressive, he wasn’t aggressive enough to get out of his truck, nor did he threaten me (I want to be careful to not paint a picture that is more menacing than what actually took place).
That wasn’t the end of it. The police came to talk to me, yet again. For my third interaction with the police that day, Dr. Antero was across the street. I don’t know why Dr. Antero thought that she could get the police to make me stop exercising my right to free speech, but that is apparently exactly what she expected to happen. Again, I was not arrested. Later that day, someone from Dr. Antero’s office called a co-owner of the MMA gym where I used to train to complain about my billboard, and to give the gym’s co-owner the impression that Dr. Antero was going to try to have the gym’s lease terminated.
All the above occurred on a Friday afternoon. The weekend was uneventful, but then on Monday morning, I got a call from the property manager of where I live. Dr. Antero called the property manager pretending to be a tenant of that property. Dr. Antero tried to cover her tracks by dialing *67 when she called the property manager; however, the technology behind *67 is literally over 30 years old, and my property manager’s office has software that detects and bypasses *67, so my property manager could clearly see that Dr. Antero used *67, and that she called from her office. Dr. Antero claimed that I shouted obscenities at her, and that I showed her my genitals. Dr. Antero falsely accused me of committing a sex crime!
It’s downright shocking to me that Dr. Antero screwed up my surgery so badly that I required multiple surgeries to fix her screw-ups (multiple screw-ups), then when I decided to warn the public about her, she attempted to have me arrested and, when that didn’t work, she falsely accused me of committing a sex crime. I just can’t imagine the level of entitlement that Dr. Antero has.
Quacktero desperately doesn’t want people to know the truth about her, so she’ll seemingly stop at nothing to make sure that the truth about her doesn’t get out — she will even falsely accuse people of committing sex crimes in order to silence them. Well, unfortunately for Quacktero, I won’t be silent about the danger that she poses, as I consider it a moral obligation to inform the public about her.