The purpose of this site is to raise awareness of the danger that Dr. Patricia Antero (Tuscany Podiatry) poses. If more people are aware that Dr. Antero can literally leave you handicapped (or even dead, as was almost the case for me) after a routine procedure, then fewer people are likely to become victims of her quackery. Had there been a website to warn me about Dr. Antero, I would have looked elsewhere for foot care. In addition to encouraging people to look elsewhere for foot care, this website puts Quacktero on notice, so maybe she’ll be less likely to hurt other people by performing surgeries that she’s not competent to perform. What’s been done to me cannot be undone; however, I can do my best to ensure that the damage done to other people by Dr. Antero is kept to a minimum.
My dad was a surgeon (Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist), so calling out a healthcare provider for being a quack isn’t something that I take lightly. That said, when it came to my surgery, Dr. Antero’s actions and her incompetence were so bad — from the pre-op, to the surgery, and the post-op — that she must be held accountable. If you are considering letting Dr. Antero perform any kind of procedure on you, I strongly encourage you to reconsider.