I’ve already written here, here, and here about how Dr. Patricia Antero’s (Tuscany Podiatry) complete and utter incompetence has caused me to get 3 revision surgeries, but unfortunately my nightmare has continued to get worse — a lot worse, in fact. Because I’ve had so many surgeries to repair Dr. Antero’s botched surgery on my foot, and my legs have been immobile as a result (because I’ve spent so much time on crutches), I developed a blood clot in my leg. That blood clot broke loose, and formed two separate blood clots, which lodged in two of the arteries in my lungs. When a blood clot forms in the lungs, it’s known as a pulmonary embolism. I didn’t have just one pulmonary embolism, I had two.
The pain that I felt from the pulmonary emboli was the most pain that I’ve ever experienced (although Quacktero’s botched surgery of my foot was a close second). The pain was so severe, that I could barely move, I couldn’t take a deep breath, and it hurt too much to talk. When I had to cough, not only was it extremely painful, but it was positively scary because of the blood I was coughing up. It’s especially bad that my poor mom had to spend Christmas in stress and anxiety thanks to the state of my health.
Approximately 10% to 30% of people who have a pulmonary embolism die within one month of being diagnosed (my risk of dying was surely higher than that, since I had two). Not only did I have two pulmonary emboli, but one them caused a pulmonary infarction, which scarred my lungs. Thanks to Dr. Antero’s quackery, I will be more susceptible to having blood clots (and thus, strokes) for the rest of my life, and I will never have the cardiovascular fitness that I once had.
My entire nightmare would have been avoided, had Dr. Antero informed me that a minimally-invasive surgery option existed to fix my problem. Beware of letting Dr. Antero treat you — she’s a quack, and the consequences of her quackery can be fatal.