For the 2024 A-Day game (April 13), I had an airplane pull a banner to advertise this website (first video below). That airplane banner was supposed to be the first of many, but the weather wasn’t very cooperative. Indeed, I had an airplane booked for the opening game against Western Kentucky, but because it was raining in Tuscaloosa, the banner pull was cancelled. Then, I had an airplane booked for the next game (against South Florida), but due to bad overcast, the pilot was unable to fly out of Florida, so again the banner pull was cancelled.
Given the effects of Hurricane Helene, and that Donald Trump was planning to attend the Georgia game, I thought that surely the banner pull for the Georgia game would be cancelled, but fortunately that wasn’t the case (second video below).
My original intention was to have airplane banners flown for the first 3 home games, as I figured that flying airplane banners in October and November would be a waste of money (those banners are not cheap!), since the weather wouldn’t be as nice as it was for the earlier games. If the weather permits, and the pilot doesn’t have a prior obligation, maybe I’ll have one or two more airplane banners flown this football season.
Because I consider it to be an obligation of mine to warn the public of the danger that Dr. Patricia Antero (Tuscany Podiatry) poses, I plan to have airplanes pull banners in future football seasons.