I’ve already gone into some detail about the surgery that Dr. Patricia Antero (Tuscany Podiatry) did on my foot, but for the sake of brevity and neatness, I’ve decided to start a new page to talk about my 3rd surgery, which is necessary because of Dr. Antero’s quackery. So, 11 months (as of the date of my 3rd surgery) after Dr. Antero butchered my foot, my nightmare continues. I hope that everybody who reads this learns from my experience, and stays away from Quacktero!
The reason I required a 3rd surgery is simple: Dr. Antero excessively shortened one of the bones in my foot. I want to make it very clear that Quacktero didn’t cut multiple bones in my foot — she cut one bone in my foot, and she messed that up big time. Not only that, but Quacktero also didn’t properly place the bone back into its joint (causing poor range of motion), and the scar that she left from her incision was just terrible. The incision scar that my new surgeon left on my foot is almost invisible, but the scar from Quacktero’s surgery shows just how incompetent a surgeon she is. She’s painfully incompetent!
Because the bone in my foot was shortened so much, I had to have a revision surgery to lengthen the bone. Also because the bone in my foot was shortened so much, over the course of 5 months (the time that elapsed from when Dr. Antero botched my first surgery, to the when my new surgeon performed a revision surgery), one of the tendons in my foot also shortened to compensate. Since my tendon was shortened, it needed to be surgically lengthened. It’s worth noting that Quacktero shortened the bone in my foot so much that I was only able to have a little more than half the length that was lost restored in my second surgery. Because I had a revision surgery to fix Dr. Antero’s quackery, my body produced an excessive amount of scar tissue, which obstructed the aforementioned tendon’s healing process, so the tendon had to be repaired once again, which is why I had the 3rd surgery.
[UPDATE #1: I had a 4th surgery to fix a complication that was a direct result of Dr. Antero’s quackery! Read about my 4th surgery here.]
[UPDATE #2: I’ve had so many surgeries to repair Dr. Antero’s quackery, that I had a pulmonary embolism (two, in fact). Dr. Antero’s quackery literally almost cost me my life! I cannot overstate how dangerous a quack Dr. Antero is. Read about my brush with death here.]